The Third Support Initiative "Radarom!" has ended
We have concluded the “Radarom” campaign with € 5 737 028, which is already being used to purchase and deliver critically needed drones and anti-drones systems to Ukraine. THANK YOU for your unwavering support in protecting Ukrainian lives and land! If you’d like to continue supporting Ukraine, you can explore the donation options below.
Support Blue/Yellow
Donation subscription
Even a small monthly contribution—whether €5, €10, or €100—can make a crucial difference in Ukraine’s fight for freedom. Regular monthly support enables Blue/Yellow to respond swiftly to urgent requests, deliver essential equipment, and provide training for soldiers. Your ongoing support ensures the continuity of aid and helps us plan our activities more effectively. Join this effort today—Ukraine cannot stand alone!
subscribe using a bank card
Digital UA Soldiers
Become a DIGITAL UA SOLDIER. Pick a spot on the map of Ukraine and defend your position via donation. Your donation will convert into equipment for Ukrainian soldiers.
Go to projectFounded in 2014, the NGO "Blue / Yellow" provides Ukrainian soldiers and volunteers with essential supplies that help them battle Russian aggression. Every donation is transformed into drones, helmets, optics, vehicles, and other tactical equipment.
More about usRegular Monthly Donations
Do not forget the most crucial fight – subscribe to support Ukraine. Whether it’s €5, €10, €100, or another amount of your choice each month, this contribution is your weapon in the battle for Ukraine’s freedom.
Choose from the key Blue/Yellow initiatives to support:
Drones and Anti-Drones
Various types of drones and anti-drone systems account for up to 70% of all aid requests. This war is a war of drones. Help Ukrainian soldiers fight for their country’s freedom.Enter amountDONATED: 14079.77 € OUT OF: 50000 € (28%) -
The number of requests for vehicles is second only to drones. A wide variety is needed: from standard cars to specialized vehicles for evacuation, ambulances, and even vehicles suitable for the transportation of the fallen.Enter amountDONATED: 2066.00 € OUT OF: 10000 € (21%) -
Blue/Yellow Medical
Lithuanian volunteer medics travel to the liberated frontline villages where no other medical aid is available, diagnose illnesses, and provide long-term supplies of essential medications to those in need.Enter amountDONATED: 3548.00 € OUT OF: 3000 € (118%) -
Training for Ukrainian Soldiers
Experienced Blue/Yellow instructors, all of whom have previously served in NATO forces, are helping new Ukrainian soldiers enhance their readiness for the challenges at the front lines.Enter amountDONATED: 1609.00 € OUT OF: 7000 € (23%) -
Rapid Response
War is unpredictable, and Blue/Yellow responds swiftly and flexibly, delivering critical assistance when it’s needed most. This gives Ukrainian soldiers a unique advantage in the fight against the enemy.Enter amountDONATED: 6119.96 € OUT OF: 30000 € (20%)
It’s essential to understand that the donated amount goes into the organization’s general fund, prioritizing financing your chosen support category. However, war is unpredictable, and there is always the possibility that different assistance may be needed at a particular time. The needs are dictated by the war, and the final decision on what support to purchase in a specific case is primarily made by the organization.
Our biggest supporters
- all
- Administration
- Agriculture
- Construction
- Customer Service / Other Services
- Education / Culture
- Energy / Electronics
- Engineering / Mechanics
- Finance
- Food Production
- Information Technology
- Insurance
- Law
- Marketing / Advertising
- Media / Communication
- Medicine / Pharmaceuticals
- Other
- Procurement / Supply
- Production
- Real Estate
- Trade
- Transportation / Logistics
Put your support on the map
DIGITAL UA SOLDIERSA link to cancel your donation has been sent to the email address you provided.
Please note, the cancellation will take effect only after you click the button in the email.
Thank you for the support you’ve given to Ukraine!
Your monthly donation was canceled successfully.
call or sms
Make a 5 EUR donation by calling 1482
Donate 3 EUR or 5 EUR every month automatically. Call or send a blank SMS to the number 1482. You will receive an SMS with instructions for confirming your monthly donation.
To cancel a recurring donation, send an SMS with the word STOP to the number 1482.
Other ways to contribute
Beneficiary: VšĮ Mėlyna ir geltona
IBAN: LT17 7300 0101 4089 4869
Bank: Swedbank, AB
Bank address: Konstitucijos av. 20A, 03502 Vilnius, Lithuania
Payment purpose: Donation
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PILDYTI FORMĄ VMI- Prisijungę prie VMI EDS portalo, naudodamiesi elektronine bankininkyste, elektroniniu parašu ar pan., pasirinkite FR0512 v.5 Formą elektroniniam pildymui (mėlyno gaublio ikona).
- Atsidariusiame puslapyje pamatysite, kam Jūs jau esate skyrę GPM paramą. Paspauskite žalią mygtuką “Tęsti”.
- Čia galėsite įvesti arba pakoreguoti skiriamo 1,2% savo sumokėto GPM dalį Paramos gavėjams. Paspauskite mygtuką “Pridėti naują įrašą” ir pradėkite pildyti laukelį įmonės kodu 303420560 arba pavadinimu “Mėlyna ir geltona”; sistema paklaus, ar norite rinktis VšĮ “Mėlyna ir geltona” – pasirinkite.
- Įveskite mokesčio dalies dydį procentais; paramos gavėjams iš viso galima paskirti iki 1,2%. Pasirinkite, iki kokio mokestinio laikotarpio skiriate paramą (didžiausias leidžiamas periodas – iki 2026 m.)
- Užpildykite Jūsų skiriamą paramą Politinėms partijoms ir Profesinėms sąjungoms ar jų susivienijimams, jeigu pageidaujate. Patvirtinkite duomenų teisingumą, paspausdami mygtuką “Taip, teisingi”
- Patvirtinkite, kad norite formuoti prašymą paspausdami mygtuką “Formuoti prašymą”. Ačiū, kad skyrėte pajamų mokesčio dalį VšĮ Mėlyna ir Geltona GET BACK
To donate an amount of more than 1500 EUR, please fill out the form below.
After receiving the form, we will send you an agreement on support. If you don’t get our message, contact us at info@blue-yellow.lt
If you are a company or other type of organization and want to donate up to 1500 EUR, specify the payment purpose as: PARAMA (donation).
- Company code: 303420560
- Account no. (IBAN) LT17 7300 0101 4089 4869
- Payment purpose: PARAMA (DONATION)